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Upload Your Photos

Use this form to upload your photos to our server. We prefer your photos be in jpg format (file extension .jpg or .jpeg). However, we will accept photos in gif and bitmap formats as well (file extensions .gif or .bmp). Maximum file size for photos is 50 kb. Any files larger than this will be automatically deleted from our server. Please name your photos with a unique file name. For example, if your business name is Lake Placid Inn, name your photos lpinn.jpg and lpi-room.jpg or something similar trying to incorporate your business name's initials in the file name. This will aid us in filing your photos with your listing and reduce the chances of two business using the same file names.

Use the browse buttons below on the right to locate the photos on your computer. In order to view image files in your "browse" window you may have to select "Files of type: All Files (*.*)". Once you've located the file on your computer, click on it in the "Choose file" dialog box (the browse window), then click Open. The corresponding path in the photo field below should look something like C:\My documents\myphoto.jpg (this is only an example, the path to your photo will vary depending on it's location on your computer). Once you've located both photos on your computer and have entered your business name and email address in the form, click the upload button below. That's it!

Business Name:
Photo 1:
Photo 2:


Please be patient, this process can take several minutes!
You will be redirected to our confirmation page when the upload is complete.

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